End Note
About Activerto.
Throughout the jorney of discovering, creating, testing and finalizing Activerto framework these people were the Nothern Star. Big THANK YOU to all of them:
Karolina Boguszewska, Aleksander Krawiel, Magdalena Krok, Michał Moroz, Dawid Pawlik, Katarzyna Szalbot, Anna Wójcicka
Brief History
Activerto is a result of Damian Borowski’s actions towards creating an organisation that would help people practically train their soft-skills.
It first started in 2013 under the name of „PonadPrzeciętni” as an initiative for students of Technical University of Lodz, University of Lodz and Medical University of Lodz that included classes for three training groups and a lecture conducted once per week for a period of seven weeks total.
Since then many attempts have been made which ended up with unsatisfactory results yet work was still continued.
In 2019 Damian introduced a draft of Model of Dedicated Systems (MDS) which is a model for designing frameworks (Activerto’s core is based on MDS).
Its first draft was presented on 19th of October 2019 during Damian’s lecture for Student Council of Technical University of Lodz (Samorząd Studencki Politechniki Łódzkiej) titled: „Open Your Mind – Organizational framework – what it is and how it works” („Open Your Mind – Framework organizacyjny- czym jest i jak działa”).
It was later published on one of Damian’s youtube channel and is still available up for today (polish version): Systemy organizacyjne w praktyce (s01e09)
Basic foundation of MDS assumed at that time that for every framework to be productive and scalable such elements should be included as:
– Problem(s)
– Process(es)
– Role(s)
– Structure(s)
– Result(s)
– Infrastructure(s).
MDS is a product of Damian’s long journey towards understanding ways for automating people’s work.
It is also a result of analysing such frameworks like:
– Toastmasters International weekly event
– Scrum
– Kanban
– classic Project Management approach
MDS is still being developed.
In 2021 Damian came back to his original idea which was creating an organisation that would help people practically train their soft-skills.
Whole creation process was conducetd using Design Thinking approach and while doing it few questions that emerged were:
1. How to create a space for people who want to develop and/or professionalize their soft-skills, people-skills and organizational-skills in general?
2. How to create a space for people who want to become a trainer, Scrum Master/Product Owner, manager or entrepreneur?
3. How to create a space for people to have an opportunity to experience and test the latest achievements in the field of management without a business context (and its pressure)?
4. How to organize those people so that they could actively participate in engaging simulation projects?
5. How to improve such events like trainings, seminars, conferences etc., to be much more engaging for participants?
6. How to improve organizing those events to be easier to design and conduct?
7. How to express this framework in a clear and undersantable way that would unleash people’s potential?
As a consequence of creating such organisation Activerto came to life in 2022.
All Activerto rules were gathered by Damian into ActiGuide 1.0 and published on this webpage in September 2022.
In January and February of 2023 Actiguide 1.0 was reviewed and revised which resulted in current version of Activerto framework which is presented on this page as ActiGuide 2.0.
Naming etymology comes from combination of two latin words:
– „activ” (eng. „active”)
– „verto” (eng. „turn”)
Therefore, a person who would not be an introvert nor an extravert but rather focused on being active human being could be called an Activert.
Hence the name „Activerto” 🙂